The Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. And the Word became flesh...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Events that HAD occurred... events not foreseen and events about to occur.

17 November 2011
What a move of God.  It was so divine so perfect, it was soooooo God that no one can deny.  How could it be other wise since coincidences are not a reality but truly a divine set up by God.
With the floods and all, we feel for the people in our area and what they are going through.  In it all, there are also lessons to be learned and will the people learn or will they go back to their old ways.  Everyone has to make that choice and pick what road they will go next.  

Disasters are there for us to make changes, this is a work of natural sanctification, which is a cleansing to make the earth clean and pure. The earth will fight back when it has been abused.  
But the number 11-11-11, I do believe this is truly a stage of change or you can call it transition into year 2012, the number 12 biblically represents, “governmental perfection.”
Number 11 biblically represents disorder and judgment.  This we have seen.
This past year beginning in January a handful events began occurring, it was not foreseen. 
My dad is in the last stages of Parkinson’s Disease and my mom is battling with cancer.  They both have not received Jesus yet.  But last year the Lord told us to stop everything and wait for His direction.
My husband and I are in the ministry and have served the Lord full time for 16 years.  We started from minus zero and today the Lord has truly blessed us.  Though the years gone by had been tough and trying.  Now it seems we have learned to flow better with Holy Spirit.  We seem to understand His ways better.
Both my parents have been in and out of hospitals. Dad from June-Aug and Mom from September till now. 
We produce a Christian TV program and I have been discussing with the Lord and my husband about getting our own Christian Channel for Thailand, a 24 hour channel 7 days a week.  
Thank you Jesus for ELIJAH LIST.  Here in Thailand, we don’t get the level of Christian maturity as seen in other countries, but it is happening slowly as the veils are being lifted one by one.  The darkness is great, but the Light is greater!  By the way statistically we have the least Christians per capita...not for long.
One of the TV Programs we do is called “NEWSTALK” (in Thai), and we discuss Prophetic News and bring forth scripture. Almost everything we discussed is taken from ELIJAH LIST.  
Doug Addison is saying some really solid things, and we’ll be discussing it in our next Newstalk program..  The Last writing “Repayment and Promotion”  may I say, “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” 2 Corinthians 1:20.  
My husband and I have been walking this road Doug Addison spoke about in his writing exactly.  I take prophecies very seriously and WAIT!

It was November 16 when we my husband and I made the decision to help out the people who are experiencing flood in our area.  We would pick up people who lived in flood zones and take them in and out.  
After picking up my mother and the nurse aid we took my mother to the hospital for Radiation Therapy and on our way home during rush hour we would take a road that only 4 wheel trucks or bigger could go in.  We pick up people and drop them off.  On the 16th of November... we made a decision to pick up people who lived in the village neighboring ours.  They have about 4000 households in that village and the size of the village is about 730 Acres (2000 Rai). 
We volunteered to drive people into their homes.  We had a truck load and the water was up to 3/4 of the truck tire.  Bless their hearts these people have to spend hours per day just traveling to get outside their village.
So on the 17th of November we did the same thing but arrive a bit later, because we went home first to change clothes and get our rubber boots...just in case.  We picked up 5 passengers.  In this group was a husband and wife.  The wife rode inside the truck, but the men rode in the back of the truck with the tail end opened.
As we talked and got to know each other  she began to share about her work.  And this is what she told us.
“I work for a lady who is about 65 and she is married to an American.  Their company sells products to people who want to do their own TELEVISION CHANNEL/STATION.”  She then continued, “I have worked for her for many years and she is a good lady.”  I then began to ask questions and she answered them.  After evaluting everything I knew that this was a divine appointment that was set up by the Lord.
How could this be otherwise.  I just spoke to the Lord and Robert about this matter just last week, tried my best to contact someone and find information regarding this new venture that God is taking us on.  Get prices and such.  But of to no avail at the end of the day.  So I said to the Lord just a week ago, “Lord you will just have to set this up, I don’t know where to find the information that I need.  It’s a new area for us.
Then suddenly...
The divine appointment happened.
The lady in the car called her boss who was in Chaing Mai at the time, and we spoke to each other...the presence of the Lord, His anointing so filled us as we spoke to each other.
I mentioned that this Christian station will not be managed like other Christian TV stations.  We want to give away air time to both English and Thai Christian Producers with TOP QUALITY programs.  Minimal on the retail aspect.  I prefer no selling at all, they should lead people to their website. We believe that the few that God has selected will sponsor the airtime cost.  
She listen intently and we said our goodbyes and ended the conversation with a appointment in the days to come.
That night we got home around 10:00pm.
Oh by the way...the lady I spoke with on the phone...she said she was a Christian also and wanted to do her own Christian Channel sometime back.  Is this God or is this God!
Here is a short paragraph from Doug Addison’s Prophecy:
Recently, I heard two strategic series of dates: November 14–17, 2011 and December 9–14, 2011. These will be significant times of connections and in some cases restoration of things we have let go of in the past. Watch for new creativity and new relationships to emerge. Pray that God's purposes will be accomplished especially during these days. happened on November 17th... Number 17 biblically represents VICTORY.
Number 16 Biblically means LOVE, because we loved the people as God loves them, the next day we had victory!  Praise the Lord... HE ALONE DID THIS!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

In the Midst of Chaos...He is with you.

This is the first quiet moment I've had in a long time to sit and write something for all of you to read.  Disaster has hit my country Thailand and yet in my heart I know God is in control.

Isn't it such a beautiful thing to be a child of God... when you are in the midst of chaos and confusion there is such a stillness and peace that resides within you.  My husband and I live in Bangkok, and everyday we are watching the news and we hear so many things, whether it be from the television or just people around our lives, whether it be the truth about what is going on or just what the media says, or even what different people from different views may say, we do know that God is in control and it is all a part of the great plan of salvation.  We really don't have much to say regarding all that is going on, but on the other hand we are waiting for God's perfect timing to 'Present His Plans' to whom ever wants to listen.

God's Plans are always without flaw and will bring everything into the right order... His order.  Even though it may look chaotic, but it will accomplish His will.

As I continue this journey with Jesus I do know that I am growing up in Him more and more each day as I seek to know His ways.

What I have come to realize regarding my own life is that I really have to understand the LOVE of FATHER GOD so that I can give this love to those He brings into my life.  Even if we have all knowledge but we lack LOVE it comes to nothing.  No matter what we have whether it be material, emotional, or even spiritual, if it doesn't accompany TRUE LOVE it means nothing.  This is the area of my life in which I am still lacking... not enough love... but I am pursuing it with every ounce in me.

After serving the Lord now for almost 18 years, I have come to realize that LOVE is truly the key.  Not ministry, not wealth, nor honor, nor reputation, or anything else.

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,and though I give my body to be burned,but have not love, it profits me nothing.4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whetherthere are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:1-13

In my next blog I will write more about this.

Remember I love you all and pray God's love to overflow into your life.

Be blessed.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Shack

It's been over a month since my last post... ministry has kept us running.  Now I don't even like to use the word busy because I once heard a funny man say that the word 'BUSY' stands for Burden Under Satan's Yoke.  So I forbid to be BUSY' just 'happening and staying occupied..  We started another Bible School in Penang Malaysia.  Have you had a chance to check out our homepage yet?   We do live streaming and have all kinds of Preaching Videos for you to enjoy.

I just finished reading a book called 'The Shack,' what a breath of fresh heir! No I didn't spell air wrong, just trying to get you to seek.  I think you can google The Shack.  I haven't had a chance to check yet.

All through my Christian Journey, I always knew that God was greater then my mind could even comprehend, that is why He is God and I am not. It was the revelation of my own limitations that gave me the revelation that there must be a God.  That this is not all by chance, but a perfectly written story.  Even greater then that 'The Perfect Love Story.' And what I have discovered is this is TRUE.

The book ' The Shack' touched my heart deeply, but I'm sure if anyone is in a frame, or can only receive God in the mind, they will not find this book interesting.  I gave up trying to put God in a box or even limit Him to any matter at all... I would have missed it badly.

I'll write more next week... Be blessed and tell someone that your close to 'That you love them,' it will do great wonders.  Love you so much.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Not About Religion-It's about Dominion

Many of you have been hearing so much news about Thailand these days.

This is the country I am living in.  Born here, not raised here, but sent back here by God.  If you read earlier in my writing about 'The Five Month Encounter' you would have come to realize that there is a much greater force working in the midst of us, then what we think or know.

The Lord made it very clear to me in my heart, as to why I was sent here and what my duty was.  As I trusted Him, and stepped out in faith, the walk of this amazing journey began.  The journey that would prepare me to rule and reign with Him here on earth.  Do you know that this has been the message from the beginning of time.  It was all about possessing Land and taking dominion of it, but somehow it turned into 'A Form of RELIGION.'

My life was and still is, a period of understanding who God is, who I am in Him and who I am not, a training for spiritual warfare that will lead to true peace in my own life and also for the world, and most of all having a relationship with a God that we can not see with our natural eye, but yet knowing, experiencing, and being a part of the ultimate and only truth.  Wow hah!

These days the Thais are:

Red shirts, yellow shirts, pink shirts, and all that other stuff.  An expat who was living in Thailand once said to me, that the Thai people have a 'HERD' mentality.  It took me by surprise that they had seen that so clearly to make a comment.  As for myself being a Thai by birth, but not raised up here, I did not get caught up in the 'Cast System', nor the 'Traditions of Man' that has been engrained in the people of this country, I was also able to see what this person was saying.  And guess what, now the whole world is seeing it too.  But maybe this is what has to take place for people to seek the truth and get tired of themselves, and the old ways that don't work.   It is all a part of the great plan of God.

Yet what all of them don't seem to understand is that they are being used by spiritual forces that the Bible talks about.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not insulting the Thai people, nor am I blaming anyone, but the reality is that this is the work of evil forces.  We'll begin to see more of this type of rebellion as 'principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, and spiritual host of wickedness in the atmosphere around the earth' fight for power, as they have been doing for ages, because most of those who were given 'The Call' as Carriers of the Truth, never took it serious enough to change the course of this nation.

Here is a scripture from the bible that talks about this.  ( Heavenly Places doesn't mean 'Heaven where God is, but the atmosphere around the earth- I'm saying this in a simple way okay).

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Ephesians 6:12

They all think it's about flesh and blood, but let me tell you it is NOT!

Thailand is the country with the least Christians per capita in the world- .003%, how sad- this will change in Jesus name!  The enemy of the light has blinded the eyes of the people so they can't see the truth.

But even if our gospel (goodnews) is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age (satan) has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...  2 Corinthians 4:3-5

So the job that I have been given to do will require firstly, for me to understand the finish work of the cross, embrace it totally, walk in it, overcome the evil within and outside, and seek to understand the big picture in which God has been trying to communicate to all of us since way back.  It's been a tough road, but worth every amazing experience, even though a lot of it is painful to go through, the glory of overcoming is awesome, and worth it all.

It's not about religion, but about LIFE.  True life.  This life here on earth as we know it, is just the training ground for eternal life.

Really folks, I'm trying to be as simple as possible so I don't sound like some goof head that is lost in some kind of spirituality.  This is real, more real then anything I've ever known.  It's been going on with me since I was 18 when I first became a Christian, even though the first 10 years of my Christian life was mostly in my head, but I can tell you since 1992 it has been happening intensely in my spirit and it has not stop, and the journey is more exciting and filled with hope.

For those who don't know Jesus yet, and you want to know Him, say this prayer written below out loud.

God Almighty:
I ask you to forgive me of all my sins, and I ask you to reveal Yourself to me.  I pray to know the real truth about Jesus Christ - the One people call The Son of the Living God.  I ask this in Jesus name. Amen

Please if you haven't heard the summary of God yet, please click above (PRECIOUS LINKS) on 'YOU'RE NOT HERE BY ACCIDENT'. Read the article that is titled THE TRUTH.

For those of you who are already HIS, and you want more then 'Form of Religion', ask the Lord to give you the grace to walk in His ways, and ask Him to put the desire in your heart to really know the truth.

I love all of you and pray that a quick works will be done in your life so that you can fulfill the call of God that has been placed on you since before the foundation of the world.

The word of God says:

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...Jeremiah 1:5

Blessings and love to all who are reading this.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

At the Start of My Walk With Jesus

I know I'm going back a bit.  I'll try to summarize so you all don't get bored with me... After the five month encounter which began in 1982 I was still working in the world and trying to get a grip of what was going on.  Little by little God would help my feel my way through this new life and new walk...a spiritual walk may I say.  It's not spooky okay, but nice, exciting, adventurous, heart expanding, and so much more.

People thought I was going crazy... that was 18 years ago.  They thought I was some kind of Jesus freak... my whole family and everyone around me didn't understand what I was going through, but I knew... how real all this was, and it was not about religion in any form or way.  But it was a real experience of unimaginable experiences.  But how to tell everyone, I myself 18 years ago didn't understand it.

But today, 18 years later after the encounter, the impact of what God is doing through my life is so amazing, that I am amazed.  All I did was fall in love with Him, and how that happened was because HE just did things in my heart and life, that just caused me to love HIM so much.

I know to some of you that have not experience this, it doesn't make sense.  But I do want to tell you, that if you want to know what I am talking about just say quietly or loud if you want, ask Jesus to introduce Himself to you.  Ask Him to make Himself known to you.  Like this with a sincere heart:

Jesus, I desire to know you.  Please begin to reveal yourself to me, just like you did with the author of this blog.  I want to know the truth.  I want to know real love. Come into my life today. In your name I ask.

If you haven't heard the summary of God, please click at the top of this Page on "YOUR NOT HERE BY ACCIDENT" at the Precious Link area.

Love you.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In 1992 I had a 5 month encounter with the Lord.  At that time I had been a Christian for 10 years already, that was not walking with the Lord at all.  Actually I lived just like a heathen (unbeliever), mind you, I was already baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in a spiritual tongue.

Then I made a deal with the Lord and He came through with His side of the deal...He then asked me to follow Him.... at that time I did not understand what that meant.  So I got out my brand new Bible that was on my shelf covered with dust and I dusted off.  I never had to dust off my Bible since... praise the Lord.

After 2 weeks of intense Bible reading... every night from 7:00PM till 2:00AM... I would dose off to sleep.  Immediately I (my spirit) would be taken to this white bright place (as I called it then). At this place I was with the Holy Spirit of God.  He looked like Jesus in a 'Cloudy Spirit' way. But I called Him, Holy Spirit. Yet, I knew He was one with Jesus and the Father God.

This went on for 5 whole months... He was teaching me 'The Word of God.'

During these 5 months I experienced the Glory/ Presence and Anointing of God covering me 24 hours a day surrounding my being about an arms reach in diameter.  I knew this because anything that came into that circumference  would immediately react... whether it be good or bad.

It was my own mistake that the encounter stopped after 5 months.  Why did it stop?  My eyes was taken off of Jesus. What do I mean by this?  Well when there is that much glory in our lives we recognize the 'things of the spirit realm' easily.  I started to see every demonic spirit that was on people and I began to criticize people in my thoughts. For example: 'Oh this person has that demon, or that person had this demon.'

This immediately put a FULL STOP to the glorious encounter.  There is a lesson to be learned here.

1. Never focus on the Demonic Forces, but focus on Jesus 'Who Can Deliver those in Bondage to these spirits!'  He came to destroy the works of the devil.

               1 John 3:8  He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning.  For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

2. Focus on the Lord and Him alone.  Never look unto man or anything else.  When we are His, He will take care of everything.

God bless all who read this and understands.  He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying.

Love you all.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BINDING and LOOSENING (The Keys of the Kingdom)

Matthew 16:19
I will give you the 
keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Throughout my Christian walk this scripture caused me much confusion in the mind. But since it was a scripture that says, 'Key of the Kingdom of Heaven' I thought I better get clarity on it, and see how it works. We like keys... they open doors and close doors!

So a few years ago the Lord gave me a revelation regarding this scripture.  I'll share it with you.

Binding and Loosening
(Matthew 16:19 International Standard Version, good understandable translation) 
“I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you prohibit on earth will have been prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.”
Oxford Press
“Binding and Loosing” The expression occurs twice in Matt. (16: 19 and 18: 18) and is spoken first to Peter and then to the whole group of disciples. It is a rabbinical term, an authoritative declaration about what is permitted or forbidden.

I hope this clears things up for you also.  Now, if you are a believer and have become a child of God's, you can NOW take authority in Jesus name, and begin to prohibit or permit.

This has been one of the most powerful scripture to getting things in order in your Christian walk.

Use the word of God... speak this scripture out loud... remember you must always use God's word 'in love' and without any selfishness.

Blessings to you on the journey of Binding and Loosening.


The memories of bygone days, they seemed to have gone astray.
Not much remains, accept the drops of memories for those we loved is contained.
Before I met HIM, I was hanging constantly on the limb.
Then in days of struggle, not knowing, just feeling, my heart was peeling.

I did not know, but I was hardened, from hurts and pains, whether big or small, I can't explain.
I could not feel, if it was real, or just another day to get through the whole deal.
I went away from life so strange, to avenues of change.

Looking for that missing link to fill my heart, over here over there, like a shopping cart.
While searching for this missing link, I came across experiences that stink, or made me wink.
At other times love brushed by me, from those who knew their destiny.

They left a seed, a seed of love, deposited into my heart.
Thus I kept it safe somewhere as a piece of valuable art.

Then one day, I really can say with utter amaze; I found the missing link that would lead me to the Way.
Here is my story in poem and song, written for you bout' my past of bygone days... as it quickly passes away.
What the future hold I know is good, filled with blessings this I know.
God eternal, life abundant, pure as gold, a masterpiece as He continues to mold.

Hebrews 9:14
How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

My memory had been cleanse by the blood of Jesus Christ... praise the Lord! This is when I learned about the power of the blood of Jesus. Today I desire to to meet with those of past 'In Christ' and I know it will last. I love all of you.


The reason I started this thing called blogging was because I watched a movie about a woman who blogged about a cook book. Then I thought, why not... I'll give it a try. I had so much to say about my journey with Jesus. So here I go... at 3:00 AM in the morning. I really need to go to sleep...

I am a preacher, a woman preacher. I get to share with people from all over the world what Jesus has done for me, and what He wants to do for them. Some understand, some don't, some want to understand and others look at me with a funny face. No matter what I love them all.

Usually people are really nice and they are open to hear what I have to say to them.

So I leave these words written just for you from your Creator 'God Almighty,' before I say goodnight.

For I (God) know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord...

Jeremiah 29:11-14b

Goodnight to all of you.